Education – Marine college
Work experience – Chief Engineer
Expertise – Machinery and Electrical system.
Damir Bilic is a highly experienced marine professional with a career spanning over five decades.
He completed his education in Nautical School, Split, Croatia, as a ship’s engineer from 1966 to 1970. He later attended the High Nautical School, Split, where he studied as a ship’s chief engineer.
He began his career as a cadet ships’ engineer with Jadrolinija, Rijeka, where he served on passenger ships such as Jadran, Jugoslavia, Jedinstvo, and Mostar. He worked as a ships’ engineer for El Yam Shipping Company from 1974 to 1979, serving on tanker ships such as Sea Valiant and Leon.
From 1979 to 1992, Damir worked as a ships’ engineer for Arminter on various tanker and cargo ships, including San Salvador, Lugano, Brembo, Giuliana, Vivaldi, Puccini, Falstaff, Scarlatti, and Respighi. He then worked as a ships’ engineer for Acomarit (V Ships) from 1993 to 1998, serving on OBO Carrier: Bear G.
Damir also worked as a marine superintendent and new buildings supervisor for Studio Tecnico Averame, Genoa, Italy. He covered this role since 1998, gaining command of quality control processes.
He is a native Croatian speaker and has a good understanding of Italian and English. He also has a B1 level of understanding and speaking Spanish and Portuguese.
Today he works for Rely in organizational and managerial roles, and leads the Split office in Croatia bringing deep experience as chief engineer and superintendent.
Mob: +38 5989851085
Mail: d.bilic@relymarine.com